Erick Royer

Erick Royer

About Erick Royer

Erick Royer is the Board Member at the Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce. Erick Royer can be contacted via phone at +1 (203) 556 - 1856 or via email at I have a diverse background focusing mainly on entrepreneurial endeavors, specializing in business development, customer relations, team building, marketing (online, guerrilla, and conventional), effective writing, CNC and 3D Printing, and product development. I started my first company as a senior in high school, Custom Audio - a custom car audio, alarm, fabrication company. We specialized in making the impossible possible, giving customers high end custom stereo solutions in their automobiles. After selling my car audio company to my partner, I went to work for a large direct mail corporation called Federal Direct. I specialized in operations, team building, production planning, technical support, computer programming and procurement. I left there with an offer from a partnering company to the position of Director of Sales and Marketing for Energy Saving Products. ESP was a global leader in document form handling equipment which had 6 employees when I started and over 25 when I left 4 years later. I was responsible for on and offline marketing and for building a global sales team which involved traveling globally to procure partnerships for distribution. It was during this time that I went through the Dale Carnegie training program and made the art of interacting and influencing people the basis of my future professional career. I left ESP after the birth of my son in 2002 and co-developed an online radio control forum called, taking it from a few thousand member free discussion board where people talked about their passion for the radio control hobby and turned it into a 500,000+ member community which was later sold to Hurst Publications and again to Internet Brands. My responsibilities were sales, marketing and communications. During this time, I also started Tag Sale Guys (Later Boomerangs Resale Outlet) which was a large store that sold gently used goods as well as a an EBay drop-off center.

Social Media

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Contact Info

Affiliated Entities

Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce

Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce

Erick Royer's Marketing Assets

Erick Royer's Email Signature

Please note this email signature is dynamicly generated based on information in our database about Erick Royer. Below is a screenshot of how our code constructs the signature with dynamic elements.

This email signature layout is under continual development. This is designed to display our ability to dynamicaly generate marketing assets. Should this email signature be of value to you, feel free to copy and paste into your email signature section freely. For a cleaner job, we offer custom design services.

- Content pulled from the database in order to structure the signature
- The highlighted elements linking to relivant destinations such as organization, contact info, etc
- The dominamt color pulled from Erick Royer's primary organization to use to highlight links in the signature

Erick Royer's "Person" Schema Markup Code

A simple yet functional "Person" schema markup code for Erick Royer would look something like this:

<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context": "",
    "@type": "Person",
    "name": "Erick Royer",
    "url": "",
    "gender": "Male",
    "telephone": " +1 (203) 556 - 1856 ",
    "email": ""

Embeding this code (or a more complex variation of this code) in a webpage that feaures Erick Royer, will make that webpage elligable display dymanic "Rich Results" in search engines. This is an SEO tactic that improve click-thru-rate on search results.

Just be sure to replace the "url" value with the url of the webpage. This schema is set up to point to

There is a right and wrong way to implement this schema markup code. Be sure to read the basics of schema markup.

There are many other types of schema other than "Person", such as "WebSite", "WebPage", "Blog", "Event" etc. They all communicate to search engines the content of page, greatly increasing the chances for dynamic search result placement.

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