Digital Marketing Services

Honed to deliver repeatable results, allowing you to scale.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

 Currently offered by the Labate Group
From: $ 500 USD

If you’ve ever searched Google, you’ve probably noticed that the top few options are highlighted with an AD sticker next to them. These are pages boosted by the influence of PPC advertising. When you search for something, the search engine crawls the web and finds the most relevant and well-written content that matches your search. Your result page is the search engine’s best guess at what content will be most relevant to you. However, depending on your search, the top one-to-three results will be advertised content pertinent to your search. Getting those top positions on SERPs is possible with PPC advertising. Pay-per-click advertising works by paying search engines for the opportunity to display your content first on relevant SERPs. If your page is displayed, you pay the search engine for every click on the advertised link. You only pay for clicks on featured pages, making this advertising method very low risk. At the same time, PPC ads can offer a high reward for the traffic they drive to your business. You can influence a search engine’s likelihood of displaying your PPC ad through bids. Your bids for PPC ads will go towards specific keywords that match the relevance of your pages. The better your copy meets SEO requirements for that keyword, the better it will do at auction and the more visibility you will get.

PPC advertising, or pay-per-click advertising, is an online advertising model in which advertisers pay a fee to the digital platform (Facebook, Google, etc.) each time one of their ads are clicked.

Website Development

Website Development

 Currently offered by the Labate Group
From: $ 2500 USD

Your business website is the digital storefront for your current and future customers. It is the primary way new customers will find and interact with your business. Because first impressions are so crucial to building relationships with your clients, your website is the foundation of all your lead generation and conversion. Further, the quality of your website will determine its ranking on google and the degree to which new customers can find your business. Website development is the art of optimizing your website for the best return on investment (ROI) for your business. Professional web developers will make your website aesthetically pleasing, easy to navigate, excellently written, and, most importantly, SEO-friendly. You can even include an e-commerce section, live chat customer support, and a blog section for additional fees. These features not only make your website look more official to viewers, but they also bring in income (through e-commerce) and allow clients to give you feedback about your business. While you probably already have a website, it’s not performing as well as one’s built by digital marketing agencies. You’re competing on search engines against everyone with a similar website. Websites with the best content and are optimized most efficiently for search engines will show up first on search engines and receive the most business. In short, web developers optimize your website to be SEO-efficient to get and keep more clients.

A strong website is the foundation of any brand's digital footprint. Most customers who find you for the first time, will visit your website before contacting you.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

 Currently offered by the Labate Group
From: $ 500 USD

Because of our enormous reliance on social media to stay informed on current information, social media provides immediate access to specific demographics and leads. Social media marketing (SMM) involves generating content for social media networks that promotes your business in an actionable way. Most digital marketing strategies focus on making you more accessible and likely to be found by the consumer. In contrast, SMM allows you to find and directly interact with your target audience. This direct interaction will enable you to generate leads and conversions, build stronger relationships with your consumer base, and boost your brand presence in real-time. Further, you can use SMM to drive traffic to your business website, increasing its effectiveness with other digital marketing strategies such as website design and blog content.

Social Media Marketing is the process of marketing your products or services on social media platforms. It involves creating and sharing content that promotes your business, and engaging with your target audience on social media.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

 Currently offered by the Labate Group
From: $ 500 USD

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website and content to generate more traffic, boost leads, and receive more income from searches on popular search engines. Whenever an individual looks something up on a search engine, the SE crawls the web with over 200 ranking factors to determine the most relevant pages to display. SEO involves optimizing your website content to rank as close to first as possible on search engine result pages (SERPs). These factors include preventing attempts to “game” the system by over-optimizing and instead promoting well-written, informative content. The main factors search engines use to rank websites is their content and its relevancy, the user experience of the website, and your backlink profile. The stronger these factors are, the better your business will rank against competitors on search engines. If you choose to use SEO services, you will receive real-time information on the effectiveness of your content and how it impacts traffic to your website. SEO is the bedrock of any marketing campaign because it directly influences the traffic to your website and the likelihood of generating new leads. While you can develop excellent content or build the best website, these factors will matter little if there’s not sufficient traffic to your website. In fact, SEO works best in accordance with other digital marketing strategies to boost your presence as a small business.

SEO is the process of optimizing a website for Google search with the goal of earning higher web traffic levels and improving the visibility of the site. It is an important element of digital marketing.

Schema Markup

Schema Markup

 Currently offered by the Labate Group
From: $ 200 USD

Schema markup is a code that resides within the header of each of your website pages for the purpose to display dynamic elements in search results.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

 Currently offered by the Labate Group
From: $ 1000 USD

First of all, graphic design is not simply a collection of pictures and colors. The effectiveness of graphic design has everything to do with its purpose. Graphic design is a form of communication where you use visual aids and strategic creativity to communicate your company’s brand to the consumer. Far from being a passive way to look better, graphic design is an actionable way to guide consumers to your intended purpose or story. It is a way of showing without telling. Because it draws attention rather than trying to convince, it is more readably acceptable to consumers. However, graphic design is never a zero-sum game. It works most effectively alongside other digital marketing strategies such as content creation and website design. Written articles are more successful when they include color, images, and video. Likewise, websites are a perfect medium between visual stimuli and crucial information. Effective graphic design employs visuals that stand out and get shared by consumers. Further, it translates your brand, through logos and videos, immediately to the consumer. These factors help build brand awareness, drive traffic, and promote lead conversion for your business.

About 50% of the human brain is dedicated to processing visual information. Brand images like logos, videos, colors, etc make up the majority of your brand's identity.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

 Currently offered by the Labate Group
From: $ 500 USD

In the past, to directly reach customers, you’d have to cold-call them and hope for the best. While this strategy worked to a degree, the time, effort, and volume of dropped clients made it arduous to increase your client base. As a form of direct marketing, this channel was soon largely replaced with email marketing, with good reason. As a marketing channel, email marketing allows businesses to reach vast numbers of customers and leads with direct information about that business’ products or services. It enables you to build brand awareness, lead generation, relationships, and engagement with your customers. Further, compared to cold calls and other direct marketing channels, email marketing scales easily with almost no extra overhead. Calling takes additive time for each call you make. Sending one email versus one thousand takes about the same time and resources. Email marketing also easily integrates with other digital marketing strategies such as content marketing and SEO because you can include the latest content in your email campaigns.

Email Marketing is the act of sending a company’s promotional email messages to a list of people or customers who have expressed an interested in the company's products or services.



 Currently offered by the Labate Group
From: $ 300 USD

Advertising has a largely negative reputation in our lives. For the most part, we see it as invasive and a nuisance. Between commercials, targeted ads on social media, and the stream of banners coloring most websites, individuals want relief from advertisements. These ad strategies are effective at building brand awareness and driving sales. But they fall short of strengthening relationships with customers and humanizing your business. Copywriting is the medium between direct advertisement and long-term customer persuasion. Rather than directly advertise a product or service, a copywriter translates that message into persuasive text encouraging an audience to take a specific action. In fact, one of the defining differences between advertisements and copywritten material is the call-to-action (CTA) of copywriting. The CTA sums up the text's main points and encourages the reader to take action towards a goal. The main difference is the delivery. Advertisement is interested in direct sales. Copywriting aims to bring the reader in without being invasive and inform them while guiding their decisions. For example, advertisements tell people why a product is the best choice. On the other hand, copywriting educates customers on what the product is and makes it clear that the product is the solution to their problems.

Copywriting is the art of writing persuasive text that communicates a marketing message to your target audience.

Dynamic Content

Dynamic Content

 Currently offered by the Labate Group
From: $ 1000 USD

The usage of dynamic content allows for the repurposing of marketing content. An email to a prospective client answering a question, can automatically create a FAQ on your website. A video post on your YouTube page can trigger a tweet to go out with a link to the video, with a call-to-action. Dynamic content is limitless, and is the future of the digital marketing.