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Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce


The Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce is a Torrington, Connecticut organization. The Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce can be contacted by phone at 860.482.6586, and by email at info@nwctchamberofcommerce.org. The official website for the Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce is https://nwctchamberofcommerce.org/.

The Chamber of Commerce of Northwest Connecticut, Inc. is the oldest business organization in the Northwest Corner of Connecticut. Incorporated in 1901, the Chamber’s membership is nearing 700 companies & organizations. The purpose of the Chamber is to advance the general welfare and prosperity of Northwest Connecticut so that its citizens and all areas of its business community shall prosper. All necessary means of promotion shall be provided and particular attention and emphasis shall be given to the economic, civic, commercial, cultural, industrial and educational interests of the area.


Social Media

Contact Information

Marketing Assets

Primary Dark Color
Primary Light Color
By submiting the entities sitemap URL to google, is a good way to ensure that google has a much information about the website as possible. Click the blue link below to visit the URL template. At the end of the equals sign (=), enter the full sitemap URL and visit that URL. This will automaticaly submit the sitemap to google. Note: The website/homepage URL of https://nwctchamberofcommerce.org/ is NOT the same as the sitemap URL. Submit to Google

To learn more about sitemaps, view the Labate Sitemap Resource

Schema Markup

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "https://schema.org",
  "@type": "Organization",
  "name": "Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce",
  "url": "https://labate.io/entities/northwest-connecticut-chamber-of-commerce",
  "telephone": "860.482.6586",
  "email": "info@nwctchamberofcommerce.org",
  "address": "59 Field Street, Suite 120 PO Box 59, Torrington, Connecticut , 06790"

Embeding the code above in a webpage (or website) that feaures the Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce, will make that webpage elligable display dymanic "Rich Results" in search engines. This is an SEO tactic that improve click-thru-rate.

There is a right and wrong way to implement this schema markup code.
Be sure to read the basics of schema markup:

Read Schema Basics

There are many other types of schema other than "Organization", such as "WebSite", "WebPage", "Blog", "Event" etc.

They all communicate to search engines the content of page, greatly increasing the chances for dynamic search result placement.

Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce - Assosiated People

Gregori Tonon

Ted Shafer

Erick Royer

David Oliver

Ida Mussen

Vanessa Meehan

Maura Malo

Kathleen Katrenya

Mark Hirko

Maria Gonzalez

Joyce Germano

Patrick W. Finn

Jade Athas

Sharon Kunay

Pamela LaRosa

Jo-Ann Ryan