Barbara Coleman-Hekeler

Barbara Coleman-Hekeler

About Barbara Coleman-Hekeler

Barbara Coleman-Hekeler is the President at the Southington Chamber of Commerce. Barbara Coleman-Hekeler can be contacted via phone at 860.628.8036 or via email at Coleman-Hekeler previously served in the same role with the Southington Chamber from 1993 to 1999 and was able to triple membership at that time while establishing the organization as a key leader in the community for economic and business growth. She demonstrated strength in her fiduciary capabilities having produced six consecutive surpluses and grew a reserve to protect the future of the Chamber. Coleman-Hekeler earned national accreditation from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for the organization and was named Connecticut’s Chamber Executive of the Year in 1998. “The Board of Directors was impressed with Barbara’s knowledge of our community and her past experience at the helm of the Southington Chamber. She will be able to jump right into the position and gain ground immediately with moving the Chamber forward in a positive manner – from strengthening our member base to forming civic and community partnerships,” said Board Chairman Dawn Miceli. As an accomplished executive with more than 20 years of organizational and operational management experience, Coleman-Hekeler most recently worked as a business development consultant for PSC International in New Britain. She has a Bachelor of Art degree in communications and organizational management from Villanova University and various professional certifications including a Sixth Year Certification as a U.S. Chamber of Commerce Executive. “I am excited to be back in Southington. I cannot wait to get to work, meet with former and new colleagues, and experience that powerful synergy that drives the success of the Southington business community. I am honored beyond expression at the interest, respect, and enthusiasm Dawn and the entire Board of Directors has shown me,” stated Coleman-Hekeler. “This is an extraordinary opportunity to return to doing the work about which I am passionate.” During her time with the Southington Chamber, Barbara lobbied successfully to secure an enterprise zone, town infrastructure needs, grants for the revitalization of downtown, and more. Despite the passing of years, Barbara maintained many of the relationships she cultivated with Southington businesses and local officials. “Barbara’s excitement to resume her role within the Chamber is palpable. She exudes energy, confidence, and commitment and will be integral to our mission of advocating for and advancing our already vibrant business and civic communities,” said Miceli. The Southington Chamber of Commerce is one of the largest and most active standalone Chambers in Southern New England, with 300 businesses and organizations as members in good standing. In representing the combined interests of the local business community, the Chamber advocates business advancement and nurtures a strong economic climate in a community-oriented fashion to benefit Southington. The Chamber partners with the town and civic organizations to encourage positive business and community growth and is an influential force in building and enhancing public/private partnerships.

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Contact Info

Affiliated Entities

Southington Chamber of Commerce

Southington Chamber of Commerce

Barbara Coleman-Hekeler's Marketing Assets

Barbara Coleman-Hekeler's Email Signature

Please note this email signature is dynamicly generated based on information in our database about Barbara Coleman-Hekeler. Below is a screenshot of how our code constructs the signature with dynamic elements.

This email signature layout is under continual development. This is designed to display our ability to dynamicaly generate marketing assets. Should this email signature be of value to you, feel free to copy and paste into your email signature section freely. For a cleaner job, we offer custom design services.

- Content pulled from the database in order to structure the signature
- The highlighted elements linking to relivant destinations such as organization, contact info, etc
- The dominamt color pulled from Barbara Coleman-Hekeler's primary organization to use to highlight links in the signature

Barbara Coleman-Hekeler's "Person" Schema Markup Code

A simple yet functional "Person" schema markup code for Barbara Coleman-Hekeler would look something like this:

<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context": "",
    "@type": "Person",
    "name": "Barbara Coleman-Hekeler",
    "url": "",
    "gender": "Female",
    "telephone": "860.628.8036",
    "email": ""

Embeding this code (or a more complex variation of this code) in a webpage that feaures Barbara Coleman-Hekeler, will make that webpage elligable display dymanic "Rich Results" in search engines. This is an SEO tactic that improve click-thru-rate on search results.

Just be sure to replace the "url" value with the url of the webpage. This schema is set up to point to

There is a right and wrong way to implement this schema markup code. Be sure to read the basics of schema markup.

There are many other types of schema other than "Person", such as "WebSite", "WebPage", "Blog", "Event" etc. They all communicate to search engines the content of page, greatly increasing the chances for dynamic search result placement.

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