Angela Bradway

Angela Bradway

About Angela Bradway

Angela Bradway is the CEO at the Canna Management LLC. Angela Bradway can be contacted via phone at +1 617-648-5414 or via email at My name is Angela Bradway; Serial Cannabis entrepreneur and Social Equity Advocate. Founder of Massachusetts Cannabis Company, Purecure Therapeutics Women Owned and Operated Cannabis Retail and Delivery Business. Founder of Canna Management LLC. Consulting, referral, and large Network Events. Make an appointment if your interested in learning more about our opportunities! I am a differently abled and empowered widowed mother of two children. I was 8 weeks premature, a survivor of high level lead paint poisoning; Late staged Lyme disease and suffer from a permanent brain injury due to the disease. Currently getting through the aftermath of having COVID. Soon after treatment from Lyme, I had a miscarriage. Soon after my husband Adam, Abigail, and I purchased our first home. I became pregnant again with my second child. I had a high risk pregnancy and at six months pregnant my husband was put on life support and diagnosed with stage four Hodgkin’s Lymphoma; He beat all odds and battled two years before passing peacefully in my arms. During his battle I was a strong advocate for Cannabis treatment, after many months we finally were able to get him Marinol. Cannabis impacted him tremendously while he was sick. He could eat, sleep, and function again. After witnessing his cancer tumors decrease in size after incorporating Cannabis into his treatment plan. I advocated for other cancer patients and was blessed to witness the impact and improvement in their overall health- physically and mentally. After his death I was diagnosed with PTSD, depression, and anxiety. After multiple attempts with pharmaceutical medicine I found it completely unhelpful and and times completely unhealthy. I stopped taking all pharmaceutical drugs and drinking alcohol. I made a life changing decision to try to heal naturally. I went to school to be a yoga teacher, and focused more on natural healing. Micro dosing psilocybin mushrooms has changed my life tremendously. It helped settle my ADHD, chronic migraines, nerve pain, joint pain, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and has helped me heal and cope with past childhood trauma. The impact of this natural medicine has made me passionate about the efforts being made to decriminalize psilocybin and other drugs. Natures medicine should be available without judgement or conflict.

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Contact Info

Affiliated Entities

Canna Management LLC

Canna Management LLC

Angela Bradway's Marketing Assets

Angela Bradway's Email Signature

Please note this email signature is dynamicly generated based on information in our database about Angela Bradway. Below is a screenshot of how our code constructs the signature with dynamic elements.

This email signature layout is under continual development. This is designed to display our ability to dynamicaly generate marketing assets. Should this email signature be of value to you, feel free to copy and paste into your email signature section freely. For a cleaner job, we offer custom design services.

- Content pulled from the database in order to structure the signature
- The highlighted elements linking to relivant destinations such as organization, contact info, etc
- The dominamt color pulled from Angela Bradway's primary organization to use to highlight links in the signature

Angela Bradway's "Person" Schema Markup Code

A simple yet functional "Person" schema markup code for Angela Bradway would look something like this:

<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context": "",
    "@type": "Person",
    "name": "Angela Bradway",
    "url": "",
    "gender": "Female",
    "telephone": "+1 617-648-5414",
    "email": ""

Embeding this code (or a more complex variation of this code) in a webpage that feaures Angela Bradway, will make that webpage elligable display dymanic "Rich Results" in search engines. This is an SEO tactic that improve click-thru-rate on search results.

Just be sure to replace the "url" value with the url of the webpage. This schema is set up to point to

There is a right and wrong way to implement this schema markup code. Be sure to read the basics of schema markup.

There are many other types of schema other than "Person", such as "WebSite", "WebPage", "Blog", "Event" etc. They all communicate to search engines the content of page, greatly increasing the chances for dynamic search result placement.

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