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Using Schema Markup to Boost Website ROI


Jun 22, 2022


April 29, 2022

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Schema Markup

Using Schema Markup to Boost Website ROI


Utilizing schema markup boosts ROI by increasing Schema markup assigns relevant metatags to your digital content to communicate its validity to search engines.

In our age of digital SEO, it can be challenging to stay on top of search engine result pages (SERPs) and deliver excellent content to the masses. One of the most direct and efficient ways to optimize your content is with schema markup. You can boost your ROI, drive traffic, and have an objective marker to measure your progress with the correct schema markup. 

What is Schema Markup?

Schema markup is a free and efficient way to communicate the content of your website and articles to search engines such as Google. It works by assigning coded tags to aspects of your website, such as publication date, brand info, and even reviews/pricing. These aspects are essentially a set of metatags written in the language of search engines to communicate the validity of your content. 

Whenever a search engine crawls the web for relevant content, it searches several metrics and instantly assigns value to the quality of pieces to determine their ranking on SERPs. It does this in the process of pulling where it reads the metadata attached to a website and ranks accordingly. However, you can also structure the metadata into a schema markup and push the metadata into a search engine, validating your content in the eyes of the search engine and ranking yourself better instantly. 

How Does Schema Markup Boost ROI?

Because of our dependence on search engines for getting virtually all of our information, how we rank on SERPs has the most significant impact on viewership and consumer awareness. In fact, because search engines will pull the information eventually, generating a schema markup ahead of time will automatically place you in a better ranking than simply letting search engines pull that information on their own. This ranking is how you can positively boost your ROI with schema markup. 

In short, regardless of the content of your website, utilizing schema markup positively boosts ROI by giving search engines relevant metadata to rank you in an actionable way. This boost doesn’t mean you should skimp on your content and attempt to “game” search engines by manipulating metadata. On the contrary, the language of schema markup is part of a newer search engine system that seeks quality content based on a range of factors. Utilizing schema markup is a way to boost already great content by communicating its validity to search engines. 

Further, schema markup is a direct way to mark your SEO progress objectively. One of the issues with judging ROI with digital content is that the content is necessarily subjective. We can’t definitively say what makes a piece of writing great or not, and search engines have the same problem when they assess the validity of a piece. To determine rank, search engines depend on objective markers such as SEO keywords and metatags to evaluate the strength of their ranking. Utilizing Schema Markup provides those objective parameters and allows you to determine their strength in real-time. 

Get Started with Schema Markup Today

In 2022 everything is digital. Consumers will first see you or your product through your website and associated content. You can boost the ROI of your website with schema markup. Schema markup assigns relevant metatags to your content and allows you to push that data to search engines, increasing your rank.

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Michael C. Davies
Michael C. Davies, Lead Copywriter at the Labate Group.